
Job Training Report & Exam

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The job training report exam is a form of assessment for students at school. This exam is carried out after students have completed job training at their respective locations for 3 months.

This exam will be held on February 2, 2024, and is divided into 2 exam rooms with a total of 9 people and 10 people, respectively. This exam was taken by all class 12 students majoring in hospitality and tourism.

With this exam, students not only make reports on the results of their work training in book-like form but are also able to take responsibility for the results of their work in the form of presentation reports.


Jeysy Manahede
It is an honor for me to be part of Kehidupan Anda because it allows me to share stories and interesting things that happen at the school. I am one of the teachers at the school, teaching cultural arts and religion. I am from one of the islands in North Sulawesi. I play guitar, sing and swim.

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