
Brrrr how cold it is!


A little over a year and many preparations such as new passports, the time has finally come for seven students and two teachers to leave for the Netherlands.

Exchange project between the school in the Netherlands, Landstede Sport and Bewegen Zwolle with our “poor” school SM Krisolton Solagratia Tongkaina.

In June 2022, the group from Zwolle was a guest in Indonesia, see previous Blogs where they were paired up with buddies and so together they undertook various sporting and social activities.

Flight tickets, accommodation, transportation, warm clothes etc. were arranged by the school from Zwolle and on March 24 the group flew to Schiphol Amsterdam under the guidance of Stefa and Fitria. Very exciting because they had never been far from home before and were in an airplane for the first time.

Once in Holland the temperature was immediately a shock, thick clothes and a winter coat were needed, it was very cold after all!

From the B&B, all kinds of activities were undertaken and the daily progamme was packed. Many sports, team building and different outings together were in the planning. A day trip to Amsterdam, Canal cruise, Slagharen, Archery, Climbing wall, Trampoline park, Indoor skiing, Camp Westerbork 2nd World War, Judith farmhouse, Bootcamp etc. and the Dutch food!

The culture shock of sleeping in a tent at a temperature of -2 degrees at the Bootcamp was huge and not eating rice but typical Dutch food like stampot, bread and bitterballen they luckily survived!

To pay for all this, an Indonesian evening was organized where interested parties could register. While enjoying a drink, watching the traditional Indonesian dances and the delicious home-made food, we could look back on this fantastic exchange adventure with great success.

For the students and teachers an unforgettable experience they will never forget. Of the seven students, three were in the KA Foundation’s sponsorship program, all of them have now graduated with a beautiful diploma.

Big thanks to teachers Stefa and Fitria who brought the group back home safely.

Teachers Joep and Arian, parents, school Landstede Sport and Bewegen Zwolle, B&B in Anevelde and many others we want to thank you enormously for the effort you have made for the school in Tonkaina.


Arjen Bokhoven
As webmaster of the foundation, I take care of most of the technical issues. Married and living in Manado, North Sulawesi. Owner of the cutest dog and cat. In my spare time I like to play darts.

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