
Raising Environmental Awareness With Our Coastal School

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Coastal school action with the theme of caring for the coast, loving the environment

Last Friday, 08 September 2023, our school carried out a real Coastal School action which included the Tentengkoren dance, plastic zombies, a poetry reading competition with the theme “my beach”, planting mangroves, cleaning the beach and laying bioreeftek.

This action activity is the final activity of implementing the Sekolah Pantai Indonesia module, namely 4A, which includes Observe, Analyze, Teach and Action.

Simone gave a speech about the history of the school’s founding and activities related to environmental conservation and saving reef fish.

And this event was attended by the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries who also gave a speech on how to increase environmental awareness among students at school.

The aim of holding this activity is to make students or the younger generation agents of change regarding the problem of plastic waste in the coastal environment and in the environment where they live and that change starts from themselves.


Yesi Pontoh
I love being part of Kehidupan Anda and sharing all the activities at the school. My daily activities include taking care of my father and working at Thalassa as a multimedia assistant. I enjoy photography and making and editing videos.

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